Gear we use (and love... or hate)

Below is a list of toys you might have seen us use in one of our classes. If you're going to buy one, please use the link below, it might buy us a beer :-)

Mandatory disclaimers:

  • As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

  • Only use products as recommended by the manufacturer.

  • For toys meant to be used on humans, we always recommend you try them on yourself before using them on someone else (if possible).

Shock collar

Below is the one we use in our classes, which can be had for around $40-50, depending on sales:

Petrainer PETDBB-2 on Amazon

FancySteel sells what seems to be the same shock collar integrated in a nice leather collar for around $180:

They also have steel shock collars with a remote control phone app and lots of fun training modes, but now we're in the $500+ price range:

Blindfolds and hoods

Pretty much all blindfolds and hoods you'll see us use in classes are from Restricted Senses. Usually it's cheaper to buy from their direct website vs Etsy.

Milking machines

Coming soon

©2025 Alain & TiedRed​